About Us

Emenyonu Motion Pictures is a film production company based in Denver, Colorado. We specialize in feature length films, short films, and episodic projects. We aim high with every project we produce and do not let any limitations take over us. The sky is always the limit and we strongly believe that.

We use state of the art equipment regarding audio and video. Audio is extremely important and must not be overlooked. Subpar audio can deem a project below satisfactory which is not beneficial. Poor video quality or having a below average picture is also detrimental to a project. That is why we set out to have the best equipment, software, and talent available to complete each project.

Most of our projects are made with the intention of being entered in various film festivals or to acquire distribution in another form. We are always pushing boundaries and set out to make sure most projects are seen by a mass audience.

Charles Emenyonu, Director and Producer

We have lots of great projects in store
and wouldn't want you to miss a beat!